Soar to New Heights
Major aerospace and aviation companies like Collins Aerospace Interiors, American Airlines and PennEngineering have set down roots in Winston-Salem, growing both their manufacturing and corporate operations. The workforce in this sector is diverse, ranging from aircraft designers and engineers to technical manufacturers. As the aerospace and aviation industry continues to grow, so do the region’s training programs and educational offerings. Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Career and Technical Education pathways offer aviation and drone coursework to help students get started in the field. Meanwhile, Forsyth Technical Community College’s new aviation center at Smith Reynolds Airport offers two programs of study for associate degrees. The 53,000-square-foot lab can house up to eight aircraft and includes classrooms and components labs. In addition, North Carolina was ranked the No. 3 Best State for Aerospace Manufacturing by PwC in 2023, further establishing the state’s high-powered aerospace and aviation sector.
Across the region and state, aviation and aerospace operations are in good company in a strong industry sector. North Carolina’s State of Aviation report for 2025 finds the aviation sector generates $88 billion in economic impact.