The Winston-Salem Education Huddle, a grassroots effort lead by local teacher Amanda Cook, and the citizens of Winston-Salem and the surrounding Triad area will hold a Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, February 26 at 3:00 p.m. at Konnoak Hills Moravian Church.

The Winston-Salem Education Huddle has identified education as a priority in our community and is taking action the week of February 20-24, 2017 to show appreciation and support for the teachers and staff at the area’s 11 Priority schools and 4 Focus schools. The Town Hall meeting will provide reflections on the experiences in the schools as well as next steps for taking action at the local level.

Confirmed attendees include North Carolina state Senator Paul Lowe Jr. Other invitees include Governor Roy Cooper, US Senators Richard Burr and Tom Tillis, US Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, state Representative Evelyn Terry, Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines, WS/FCS School Board Members, Superintendent Beverly Emory, and the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners. All Winston-Salem and Forsyth County elected officials, educators, students, advocates and citizens are invited to attend.

Who: Winston-Salem Education Huddle
What: Education in the Dash – A Town Hall for All
When: Sunday, February 26 starting at 3:00p.m.
Where: Konnoak Hills Moravian Church
3401 Konnoak Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27127
(location to change if capacity of 150 reached; in this event details will be forthcoming)

Contact: Amanda Cook
Local Teacher and Community Organizer
(336) 254-8338