On October 26, 2016, the Winston-Salem Urban League will host Career Expo 2016 to address the persistent unemployment, experienced by tens of thousands across the Triad.
“We keep hearing unemployment is down, jobs are up,” says James Perry, CEO of the Winston-Salem Urban League. Perry continued, “that’s news to the tens of thousands of North Carolinians who have become so frustrated that they have quit searching for jobs. We know they’re there, they still want to work, and we won’t give up on them.”
Career Expo 2016 will feature as many as 50 ready to hire employers. Mayor Allen Joines will extend a welcome to attendees.
The event is free and open to the public. Registration is preferred but not required. Attendees should bring resumes, wear interview ready attire and come ready to network. Visit www.wsurban.org for details.
Career Expo 2016 will take place on Wednesday October 26th, 10am to 4pm at Wake Forest Biotech Place located at 575 Patterson Ave, Winston-Salem, NC 27101.
James Perry states, “Our Career Expo 2016 will have employers who are looking to hire for a wide range of skills and backgrounds, a critical component of the Urban League’s efforts to strengthen the economy.