The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education will hold public hearings to gather feedback about a proposed bond referendum in November. If approved, the bond package would pay for school construction, renovation and repairs. It would be the first large-scale referendum for WS/FCS’ school construction since 2006. Click here for details about the Proposed 2016 Bond Referendum.
The school board has developed a project list based on needs that total about $325 million in present-day costs. After gathering public feedback, the board will finalize its list before it presents a formal request to Forsyth County Commissioners this spring.
Each meeting will start with a brief presentation about the proposed projects, followed by time for public comments. Click here to see the presentation.
The dates, times and locations of upcoming meetings are as follows:
* Thursday, March 3 at 7:30 p.m. – West Forsyth High School (1735 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons)
* Monday, March 7 at 7 p.m. – North Forsyth High School (5705 Shattalon Drive, Winston-Salem)
* Thursday, March 10 at noon – The Downtown School (601 N. Cherry Street, Winston-Salem)
* Monday, March 14 at 7 p.m. – Speas Elementary School (2000 W. Polo Road, Winston-Salem)