The new ForsythRides program will provide no-cost rides to Forsyth residents for employment related travel. 

woman entering ride share car

The program provides transportation to work, skills training, job fairs, interviews, GED classes, and taking children to childcare for working parents. Rides must originate in Forsyth County and be employment-related. Residents can apply for a ride at or by calling 336-703-2684. 

The program will start providing rides on March 11. The service will be free through June 30. After that, it may charge a small to fee to clients, depending on volume and its future funding. 

ForsythRides is a service of Forsyth County Government, administered through the Community and Economic Development Department, funded by an annual grant from the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP). 

Forsyth County is contracting with Support Systems of Forsyth County Transportation LLC to provide rides. Support Systems is a locally owned passenger transportation company with more than four years of experience and a fleet of nine vehicles. The company was chosen through a competitive bidding process and its contract for services was approved by Forsyth County Commissioners during their March 7 meeting.