As Greater Winston-Salem, Inc. continues to impact local workforce and economic development, it is announcing new staff roles for two team members.

Alesia Hilton, who has served as the Director of Internship Programs since 2021, has been named the Director of Career Readiness. Since joining Greater Winston-Salem, Inc., Alesia has led the creation and development of the ASPIRE WS internship program, serving over 100 students and working closely with Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, Forsyth Tech, and local employers to generate workforce opportunities.
In her new role, Alesia will lead expanded student career readiness efforts in partnership with WS/FCS and continue to develop collaborations with education and business partners in Forsyth County to promote work-based learning opportunities and workforce readiness. Her role correlates with new goals developed through a collaborative workforce plan supported by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.
“Alesia brings her extensive experience as an educator and education leader to her efforts to prepare local students for success in the workforce,” says Terri Cummings, Vice President of Talent and Workforce for Greater Winston-Salem, Inc. “She will be instrumental in developing new and stronger partnerships as we refine career pipelines that meet future workforce needs in Forsyth County.”
Ellis Keifer, who joined Greater Winston-Salem, Inc. in 2021 as the Director of Business Recruitment, has been named as the Director of Economic Development. In her new role, Ellis will recruit new business to and support existing industry within Forsyth County, growing the tax base through new investment and quality jobs.
Since joining Greater Winston-Salem, Inc., Ellis has managed a recruitment pipeline that has generated more than 1,500 jobs and $414 million in new investment to Forsyth County.
“Ellis has been instrumental in bringing projects through all stages of the pipeline and generating meaningful growth for Forsyth County. In her new role, Ellis will continue to make an impact as we see interest in legacy companies continuing to invest here, joined by new companies looking to locate here,” says Laura Johnson Lee, Senior Vice President of Economic Development for Greater Winston-Salem, Inc.
Greater Winston-Salem, Inc.’s initiatives in economic and workforce development support our 2030 Vision: to be the top mid-sized city in the southeast, to be a more equitable community, and to be the best place to raise a family.