The month of November is dedicated to honoring talent and workforce through National Career Development Month, an initiative of the National Career Development Association. Here are a few of the ways that Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, and North Carolina are honoring this field!

North Carolina Career Development Coordinator Day
Governor Roy Cooper has issued a proclamation declaring Wednesday, November 16th as Career Development Coordinator Day. This proclamation honors the many faculty and staff in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Career and Technical Education department. WS/FCS offers comprehensive CTE coursework for students in 6th-12th grades, including 8 CTE program areas and 16 Career Academy options where students can earn industry-recognized credentials. CTE concentrators have a 100% high school graduation rate, and 98% go on to colleges, technical schools, or the military.
National Apprenticeship Week: LEAP @ Forsyth Tech
Forsyth Technical Community College has new employer partners for diesel mechanics apprentices in the award-winning Learn and Earn Apprenticeship Program (LEAP). The announcement comes just in time for National Apprenticeship Week, November 14-18, 2022.
Salem National Lease, Best Logistics and Parrish Tire Company are the new LEAP employer partners. This means that they provide student apprentices in the diesel and heavy equipment program at the Transportation Technology Center with mentorships, support, and on-the-job training.
LEAP at Forsyth Tech, named the 2022 Outstanding Consortium Member by ApprenticeshipNC, provides students with the opportunity to earn a degree while gaining on-the-job training as an apprentice at an employer partner. There are now more than 30 employer partners in the program, and students study a range of topics, including advanced manufacturing, IT, automotive industries and supply chain and logistics.