Greater Winston-Salem, Inc. has named Terri Cummings as Vice President of Talent and Workforce. In this role, Terri will serve on the organization’s leadership team and advance efforts to promote education and workforce alignment throughout Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. Working closely with industry partners, higher education institutions, and Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, Terri will draw together stakeholders throughout the community to implement talent development initiatives including internships, apprenticeships, career-readiness training, and more.

“Internships and apprenticeships provide meaningful and quality learning opportunities to students and employers. There is a significant value for students to gain applied knowledge, as well as the opportunity for businesses and industry to build inclusive talent pipelines. I am eager to work with education and community business partners to create comprehensive work-based learning opportunities throughout Forsyth County,” says Terri.
Terri will lead partnership initiatives with Winston-Salem/Forsyth County schools including the implementation of a paid internship program for high schoolers sponsored by Truist Bank, and additional programming such as career-readiness training and Senior Academy, a student-success-oriented mentorship program with a 98% graduation rate.
“As an organization focused on the success of our community, education is a critical component of our mission. Terri believes in that mission and has the skills and experience to lead our efforts in developing a strong and diverse workforce,” says Mark Owens, President and CEO of Greater Winston-Salem, Inc.
Terri has an extensive background in human resources and workforce development with roles in industries including manufacturing, service, and construction, in addition to private human resources consulting. Terri’s passion for education and community has also led her to become an adjunct instructor in the NC Community College System and to serve as a business partner to Guilford Apprenticeship Partners, GAP, in the recruitment, selection, and transition of apprentices from high school to community college and the workforce.
Terri holds an undergraduate degree in Business with a concentration in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and a Master of Science in Leadership and Human Resource Development with a Concentration in Workforce Development. She is certified by the Human Resource Certification Institute as a Professional in Human Resources and by the Society for Human Resource Management as a Senior Certified Professional.