On Tuesday, April 25, from 8:30am – 12:00pm, we invite any organization working with veterans, Human Resource Professionals, and any interested individuals to join us for an overview of the ins and outs of military culture. Sponsored by Triad Veteran Coalition and hosted by Goodwill Industries, this workshop will include:
• What does the term “Military Culture mean?
• What are the benefits to working with veterans?
• What are the differences in the types of services, and how does that affect me or my organization?
• What are some of the issues faced by our military and veterans? How can we help them?
• And more – including a panel discussion of subject matter experts.
Come prepared to learn, ask questions, and be a resource! Please RSVP by April 21st (Close of Business) to Sandy Jolley at sjolley@goodwillnwnc.org. For questions, please call (336) 724-3625 x1212.
Click here to view the event flyer.
Goodwill Industries of Northwest NC
2701 University Parkway
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
(336) 724-3625 x1212