The Southeast Neighborhood Association (SENA), in partnership with S.G. Atkins Community Development Corporation hosts its Third Annual Community Day and Job Fair, a lively event which brings businesses, agencies and residents together to promote cross-cultural unity; while sharing resources with those looking for employment, home weatherization and repairs. This is also an opportunity to showcase what area businesses have to offer and grow the relationships that strengthen neighborhoods. For the first time, SENA will take the community day and job fair to the streets of Winston Salem. It will take place Saturday, October 17, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Monmouth Street between Dacian Street and Old Lexington Road in Winston Salem, NC and it is free and open to the public!
The goal of this event and the Southeast Neighborhood Association is to work towards creating a strong, happy, and healthy neighborhood, by celebrating and uniting the area’s diverse community, and informing residents of resources available to help address a range of concerns, including unemployment, housing, public safety, and opportunities for neighbors to get involved.
Sponsors sharing information on October 17th include Job Link, Goodwill’s Prosperity Center with employment information; the Southside United Health Clinic; staff from various departments of the city of Winston-Salem including Human Resources, Police, Fire, Sanitation, Community and Business Development and City Link staff; the Center for Smart Financial Choices with information about financial literacy and free credit counseling services, Power UP- a statewide coalition to grow green jobs and promote energy conservation, the Enterprise Center and the Southeast Neighborhood Association. Taking it the Streets Ministries will provide free hotdogs at the event. This ministry regularly brings food and clothing to the neighborhood to assist those in need.
A highlight of this year’s event will be a special presentation by Councilman James Taylor to honor the work of neighborhood leader Patricia Billings. “Mrs. Billings is the reason that many of us got involved in SENA. She started this event to bring the community together including churches – Southside Community Church and Exodus Baptist Church, and businesses that serve the area like Triad Choice Pharmacy and JHR Home of Memory that are active members of the neighborhood association,” says SENA Vice President Mildred Perez. “We are also working to get more of our Hispanic neighbors and businesses to participate.”
The transition over the last 20 years from a stable, owner-occupied neighborhood, to more rental housing, has contributed to neighbors no longer knowing one another; however, the new WSPD substation coming to Waughtown Street and the $4 million park planned for the quarry off of Leight Street has everyone excited.
SENA’s event will provide a fun setting for residents to socialize while enjoying food, entertainment, and prizes. Residents will also have a chance to meet face-to-face with human resources staff from the City of Winston-Salem seeking to hire qualified applicants from the community. Other employers are being recruited to participate.
“Whatever community members want to accomplish, we will try to get them connected,” said Carol Davis, Executive Director of S.G. Atkins Community Development Corporation a SENA member.
For more information, contact Carol Davis or Juan Aquilar at 336-734-6900 or via email,