El Evento
There are “bulls” that chase us in our lives, but we must look forward, breathe, and finish the race. On June 20th, 2015, the Hispanic League is bringing a Running of the Bulls 5K and Fun Run to Winston-Salem to raise awareness and funds for its scholarship program. The scholarships allow for Hispanic/Latino students to finish their own race and not worry about any bull.
The event’s theme is from the famous Running of The Bulls, held each July in Pamplona, Spain. Each runner should come dressed as your bullish selves—make your own horns, tails, or bull masks—or dress-up as the typical Pamplona runner: all white with a red bandanna around your neck and maybe a mustache.
Come run and give students a head start so they can keep their eyes forward and finish their own race: getting a degree.
Dónde and Cuando?
Bulls and runners will rumble around the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds Parking Lot off of Shorefair Drive between 27th and Deacon Blvd. The combination of an out-and-back and loop 5K course is suitable for runners of any ability – flat and fast! The out and back 1 mile Fun Run on Shorefair Drive will delight all participants. The Fun Run will start at 8:00 am and the 5K will start at 8:30 am.
Crédito de Salud (Health)
The City of Winston Salem (COWS) has pre-approved the Running of the Bulls 5K & Fun Run for employees and retirees to receive a Wellness Credit! Please send verification of participation to Susan Banville at COWS 336.748.3863.
El Mapo
Click here to download the map.
All runners are encouraged to pre-register 1) to give you more time to plan how you are going to run with those big ‘ol bull horns on your head and 2) to guarantee your spot at the race.
Register online at http://jonesracingcompany.com/ or arrive no later than 7:30 am the day of the race and sign-up at the registration table.
Registration includes your personal Running of the Bulls T-shirt
Entry Fees
$25 – Early bull special
$30 – May 15 – June 19
$35 – Race day
There will be complimentary parking. Enter Gate 5 off of Shorefair Drive between 27th and Deacon Blvd. Go toward the Midway and park where a space is available.
Sponsorship Package 2015 Running of the Bulls 5K & Fun Run
Hum-Bull-ed (Only 1 Available) $5,000
Even the fiercest bull in the world would be humble to have your support at this level. Yes, a humble bull. Take some time for that image to settle in… We are in awe of those who really run with 12-15 bulls at Pamplona, each weighing approximately 1.5 tons. At this Naming Sponsor level you’re going to run with the big bulls for the Hispanic League. Now you’re in the same class of “awesome” as Billy Crystal in City Slickers! This is what we offer:
* Your company name in the title of the event (Example) – The Running of the Bulls 5K presented by “your company name.”
* Presence on Digital Billboard on Business 40 Winston Salem as naming sponsor
* Naming logo recognition on Running of the Bulls 5K website
* Naming logo recognition on all event clothing (race shirt)
* Large Company banner at Start/Finish Line and packet pick-up
* Day of race marketing space (20 x 10 tent for signage and banners)
* Company name and logo included in all marketing, website, PR and advertising collateral
* Company logo on FIRST mileage sign
* Company message included in event PA announcements
* Packet pick-up inclusion for printed materials or item provided by sponsor
* Ten (10) complimentary entries to Running of the Bulls 5K event – great for promotions, employee morale, etc.
* Option of using location for pick-up of running packets for estimated 250-350 runners
* One (1) Facebook Post promotional opportunity
Pamplona (2 Only 1 More Available) $3,000
Have you ever run with the bulls? We mean REALLY run with the bulls? No? Ok, then, think about it…and how it gets your adrenaline going, your amazing selfie that’d you take. We want you to spread that same energy and excitement for the Hispanic League’s Running of the Bulls, because we want this sponsorship to go towards a trip to Pamplona as the main prize for the run. Here’s what we offer at this level:
* Your company name in marketing of the event (Example) – The Running of the Bulls 5K prize by “your company name.”
* At event marketing space (10 x 20 tent for signage and banners)
* Very Prominent logo recognition on Running of the Bulls 5K website
* Very Prominent logo recognition on all event clothing (race shirt)
* Medium Company banner at Start/Finish Line and packet pick-up
* Company name and logo included in all marketing, website, PR and advertising collateral
* Company logo on SECOND mileage sign
* Company message included in event PA announcements
* Packet pick-up inclusion for printed materials or item provided by sponsor
* Eight (8) complimentary entries to Running of the Bulls 5K event – great for promotions, employee morale, etc.
Feelin’ Bullish (5 only 2 more Available) $1,000
Not everyone is a raging bull, that’s fine, but there is a little bullish nature in us all. Keeping in the spirit of the run, this “Feelin’ Bullish” sponsorship paves the way for our runners to let out their inner bulls. Here’s what we can offer:
* Prominent logo recognition on Running of the Bulls 5K event website and one (1) e-newsletter
* Prominent logo recognition on all event clothing (race shirt)
* Small Company banner at Start/Finish Line and packet pick-up
* At event marketing space (10 x 10 tent for signage and banners)
* Company logo on THIRD mileage sign
* Company name included in event PA announcements
* Packet pick-up inclusion for printed materials or item provided by sponsor
* Six (6) complimentary entries to Running of the Bulls 5K event – great for promotions, employee morale, etc.
El Toreador (10 – Only 8 More Available) $500
Ole! So you’re more of a Toreador than a bull. We understand. Just make sure you have your red cape ready. This El Toreador level will help to make your confidence known. Here’s what we can offer:
* Logo recognition on Running of the Bulls 5K website and e-newsletter
* Logo recognition on all event clothing (race shirt)
* Company name included in event PA announcements
* At event marketing space (10 x 10 tent for signage and banners)
* Packet pick-up inclusion for printed materials or item provided by sponsor
* Four (4) complimentary entries to Running of the Bulls 5K event – great for promotions, employee morale, etc.
El Torito (Unlimited) $250
Even the smallest bull makes a huge impact when it runs. Make your presence known. Come run with us this year! Here is what we offer:
* Logo recognition on Running of the Bulls 5K website
* Small Logo recognition on all event clothing (race shirt)
* Company name included in event PA announcements
* At event marketing space (10 x 10 tent for signage and banners)
* Packet pick-up inclusion for printed materials or item provided by sponsor
* Two (2) complimentary entries to Running of the Bulls 5K event – great for promotions, employee morale, etc.