Learn how to self-publish and market your own book online. Avoid pitfalls and common mistakes in self-publishing. Glean best practices on how to professionally package your book. Discover how to build your niche audience while self-publishing.
This class is taught by Dr. Derick Virgil, Assistant Dean of Academic Services and Assessment, who has self-published four books and has mentored others to successful self-publication of more than 20 books in the past 5 years.
When: June 8, 2015 from 6pm to 8pm
Where: Student Success Center at Hill Hall, Winston-Salem State University
Price: $30 per person
TO ENROLL: go to www.wssu.edu/cepay
QUESTIONS: contact the WSSU Office of Continuing Education
paojh@wssu.edu – 336-750-3410 or 336-750-2138